相信大家都有看过在Facebook流传的Video,是一个禽兽都不如的生物在虐待他的/女朋友的狗(Poodle)。如何虐待?他要那只狗用两只脚站着,它一放下脚的那一刻,那可恨的生物就用力地打它。其实那只狗很乖了,它很听话,那小小的身躯竟然站了几分钟!当它无力地放下脚,那生物又把它拿起来像玩具一样狠狠地丢在床上。看得出这个生物是心理变态,虐待动物,房间还那么乱,好像几个月没有整理酱…… 摄影整个过程的另一个雌性生物更是蠢。都不知道她拍下来做什么。我很少骂人蠢,因为蠢很难听。不过我打从心里很想骂这两个生物“死蠢”。狗也是生物,有生命的!!不是你的玩具,要打就打,要骂就骂,要丢就丢!!
整个15分钟的video,我在心里不知骂了几次臭话(wtf wtf wtf wtf……)。看那可爱的狗那么努力地站起来,我一想到那画面我就很想哭。你可能觉得我很夸张,等到你看了那video,你就可以了解我的感受。更死更死的是,虐待狗的两个生物好像是马来西亚人!!WTH??!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
170111 - 220111
好久不见。 :)
和SiowSiow、Min Yen、Kar Yen 及Minli 到BerjayaTimeSquare和Sg Wang去逛街。
8时,爸爸载我到Siow2 的家。躺在她房里的两层式的床上与她谈天。大约9:30am,在等siow2冲凉的同时,用她的电脑看《我的女友是九尾狐》的第一集。还未看完,我们便出发至Kepong火车站。
到了TimeSquare。 我们决定先填饱肚子,让Energy升到最高Level才开始Shopping。在那儿绕了许久后,我们决定吃Vivo~ 食物还算不错,也不会很贵。要看我们吃什么的话,去看Min Yen的Blog!吃饱后,开始Shopping!!朋友们买了好多东西,衣服啊,装饰品啊,腰带啊……我呢?我没买,只是给予他们一些意见。=D 终于逛完了TimeSquare后,我们到Sg Wang去。我的战利品也是在那儿的店买的。当当当~漫画!!XD
不过很气的是,终于知道为什么我买不到One Piece的带 (第335集- ?)的原因了。原因是因为一家公司买完了OnePiece的版权,所以只有出那公司的带。问题是之前我买的带是第234集到第334集,100集才RM40。这公司出的带是第301集到350集,50集就要RM80!!!好过分啊~~~~~~~T_______T (泪)气死我了。我人生中最后悔的TOP20,有一项绝对是在去年的海外书展少买几盒OnePiece的带!!
大约6时,离开Sg Wang。因为是放工时间,火车超~挤的,结果5个人,只有我上到车。真是“幸运”。到了KL Sentral 站,和搭另外一班火车的朋友回合,然后搭KTM回家。:) 说真的,那天我好开心,但同时也很伤心,因为没有机会买One Piece的带了。
1月18日-21日2011年 (星期二至五)
这几天就呆在家。花了两天的时间看完25集的《下一站 巨星》/ 《Skip Beat!》。其实我很喜欢这漫画/戏。在我家的电脑还没坏之前(现在用着的不是我家电脑),我都有用电驴下载看漫画,其中一个就是SkipBeat! 我很喜欢他的作者(另外出名的作品是MVP情人),也很喜欢这作品,因为它很特别,也很好看。:)
1月22日2011年 (星期六)
那天有Amali Kelas。和之前在Undang考试认识的Dennis, Pei Lin 和Douglas会合。还有一个新的,婷的最爱— Alan(她说他很帅)。同样的,Amali Kelas 根本就是在浪费时间。花很长的时间在那儿点名。班上有一位韩国人,不会听国语,老师叫他只需要在后面睡觉。== 之后来的每一个人,老师都问会不会韩语。一个人花2分钟问(老师用30秒问,那个人吓到/好奇30秒,用30秒转过头找那韩国人看,用30秒回答“不会”),老师问了十几位学生。很废。来齐人后,老师一个一个叫来点名。好不容易点名结束后,开始了十分钟,另外一个员工又进来点名。结束后,才废话30分钟,他竟然说下课了。==
下课结束,老师总算说到正题,不过还是废话连篇。Dennis还在后面听歌玩游戏。我呢,有听没听的…… 至少有学到一点丁的东西啦。之后,他把班上的人分成两人一组。又花了一段时间叫名字。很幸运的,和婷同组。其实我们都蛮兴奋的,还以为每一组要尝试换轮胎。结果整个Amali Kelas 结束后,都没做什么,都不知道他为什么要分组。== 接着,又是1小时的下课,我们5人到外面吃东西。回去的时候,发现全班学生都已经去着考车的地方。老师都没有点名看谁还没到的吗?==而且我们又没有迟到。3:30pm,总算结束。我很~开心。今天最后一天与Dennis, Pei Lin 和Douglas (还有Alan)见面。说了很多话,我和婷也被直率的Dennis“hurt"。=(
Amali Kelas结束,婷说不打算去云顶了。是很失望没错,不过也不能强逼她,所以无可奈何。4时,我们到KTM火车站去。因为我们又要到Mid Valley 去。XD 那一晚,我很开心。我们在教育展逛了一下,然后找餐厅填饱肚子。我们到很多餐厅去看Menu,看完了就走。哈哈。最后决定只 Paddington Pancake House。很好吃很好吃~叫了两盘意大利面和一大盘甜品。我们一边谈天说地,一边享受美食。不亦乐乎~~~XD 之后,我们到Cold Storage去,虽然在里面没做什么,就逛来逛去,不过很好玩~ 像是介绍Herbs给婷,买在《我的女友是九尾狐》戏里女主角喜欢喝的饮料。我们也发现到喜欢喝的牛奶品牌是一样的。^^
和SiowSiow、Min Yen、Kar Yen 及Minli 到BerjayaTimeSquare和Sg Wang去逛街。
8时,爸爸载我到Siow2 的家。躺在她房里的两层式的床上与她谈天。大约9:30am,在等siow2冲凉的同时,用她的电脑看《我的女友是九尾狐》的第一集。还未看完,我们便出发至Kepong火车站。
到了TimeSquare。 我们决定先填饱肚子,让Energy升到最高Level才开始Shopping。在那儿绕了许久后,我们决定吃Vivo~ 食物还算不错,也不会很贵。要看我们吃什么的话,去看Min Yen的Blog!吃饱后,开始Shopping!!朋友们买了好多东西,衣服啊,装饰品啊,腰带啊……我呢?我没买,只是给予他们一些意见。=D 终于逛完了TimeSquare后,我们到Sg Wang去。我的战利品也是在那儿的店买的。当当当~漫画!!XD
不过很气的是,终于知道为什么我买不到One Piece的带 (第335集- ?)的原因了。原因是因为一家公司买完了OnePiece的版权,所以只有出那公司的带。问题是之前我买的带是第234集到第334集,100集才RM40。这公司出的带是第301集到350集,50集就要RM80!!!好过分啊~~~~~~~T_______T (泪)气死我了。我人生中最后悔的TOP20,有一项绝对是在去年的海外书展少买几盒OnePiece的带!!
大约6时,离开Sg Wang。因为是放工时间,火车超~挤的,结果5个人,只有我上到车。真是“幸运”。到了KL Sentral 站,和搭另外一班火车的朋友回合,然后搭KTM回家。:) 说真的,那天我好开心,但同时也很伤心,因为没有机会买One Piece的带了。
1月18日-21日2011年 (星期二至五)
这几天就呆在家。花了两天的时间看完25集的《下一站 巨星》/ 《Skip Beat!》。其实我很喜欢这漫画/戏。在我家的电脑还没坏之前(现在用着的不是我家电脑),我都有用电驴下载看漫画,其中一个就是SkipBeat! 我很喜欢他的作者(另外出名的作品是MVP情人),也很喜欢这作品,因为它很特别,也很好看。:)
1月22日2011年 (星期六)
那天有Amali Kelas。和之前在Undang考试认识的Dennis, Pei Lin 和Douglas会合。还有一个新的,婷的最爱— Alan(她说他很帅)。同样的,Amali Kelas 根本就是在浪费时间。花很长的时间在那儿点名。班上有一位韩国人,不会听国语,老师叫他只需要在后面睡觉。== 之后来的每一个人,老师都问会不会韩语。一个人花2分钟问(老师用30秒问,那个人吓到/好奇30秒,用30秒转过头找那韩国人看,用30秒回答“不会”),老师问了十几位学生。很废。来齐人后,老师一个一个叫来点名。好不容易点名结束后,开始了十分钟,另外一个员工又进来点名。结束后,才废话30分钟,他竟然说下课了。==
下课结束,老师总算说到正题,不过还是废话连篇。Dennis还在后面听歌玩游戏。我呢,有听没听的…… 至少有学到一点丁的东西啦。之后,他把班上的人分成两人一组。又花了一段时间叫名字。很幸运的,和婷同组。其实我们都蛮兴奋的,还以为每一组要尝试换轮胎。结果整个Amali Kelas 结束后,都没做什么,都不知道他为什么要分组。== 接着,又是1小时的下课,我们5人到外面吃东西。回去的时候,发现全班学生都已经去着考车的地方。老师都没有点名看谁还没到的吗?==而且我们又没有迟到。3:30pm,总算结束。我很~开心。今天最后一天与Dennis, Pei Lin 和Douglas (还有Alan)见面。说了很多话,我和婷也被直率的Dennis“hurt"。=(
Amali Kelas结束,婷说不打算去云顶了。是很失望没错,不过也不能强逼她,所以无可奈何。4时,我们到KTM火车站去。因为我们又要到Mid Valley 去。XD 那一晚,我很开心。我们在教育展逛了一下,然后找餐厅填饱肚子。我们到很多餐厅去看Menu,看完了就走。哈哈。最后决定只 Paddington Pancake House。很好吃很好吃~叫了两盘意大利面和一大盘甜品。我们一边谈天说地,一边享受美食。不亦乐乎~~~XD 之后,我们到Cold Storage去,虽然在里面没做什么,就逛来逛去,不过很好玩~ 像是介绍Herbs给婷,买在《我的女友是九尾狐》戏里女主角喜欢喝的饮料。我们也发现到喜欢喝的牛奶品牌是一样的。^^
Something to say,
Spill The Beans
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Today is such a great day! :)
I woke up at 6am this morning, feeling so sleepy, and reluctant to get up from my bed. I had a nightmare last night and I kept waking up in the silent midnight to check the time. 3am, 4am, 4:30am, 5:30am........ Maybe i was too nervous about the "Undang" test, or maybe... it's just becoz' of the nightmare. Till now, the detestable nightmare still 'stamped" in my mind. Urgh. Sometimes i really hope our mind has a 'delete' button.
So i reached YeeT house around 7:10am with an empty stomach. Thanks to my dad's good luck wish and the biscuits that YeeT gave me to fill up my nothing-but-gastric juice stomach. We reached at the agency (Thanks auntie~) around 7:30am and waited for 30 minutes. We went together with the other 7 students to the place where we had our "Undang" Test. We reached there at 8:15am. I got the number 87, YeeT got 86. Both of us decided to wait at the restaurant, since the number that appeared on the screen was only 40 something and the room was packed with other students from the other agency.Thanks to the owner of the restaurant, he gathered 5 of us, which were me, YeeT and the other 3 students that came with us this morning. Then a guy named Dennis (YeeT called him Tennis. LOL!) started to talk to us. It was kinda awkward at first, coz' only me, YeeT and Dennis were talking. But slowly, the other two join our conversation. Later, after 45 minutes, then only we introduce ourselves. Haha, wrong sequence. ==
We met a lot of people there. Basil, Kean Yung (I'm not sure about the Spelling), Chong Keat, Aaron, Thong Yen and other friends from the Buddha Camp. =D After few hours, FINALLY at 11:45am, we get to go into the room to had our test. Seriously, within that few hours, i really had butterflies in stomach. I was totally nervous about the test! Hope the results does not waste my effort in finishing the 500 questions. By the way, the note book with 500 questions that they gave us to do? That sucked. SO many mistakes. Anyway, i managed to pass the test with the score 46/50 in 10 minutes. LOL. It was not that difficult, but it's not that easy either. =P
We were so happy. Coz' five of us passed the test. ^^ We like became friends, and decided to listen to the "amali" class next Saturday together. Oh ya, and by the way, Dennis and the other new friend- Pei Lin met David and Michael. What a coincidence! the other new friend is Douglas. :)
YeeT and I went to the Kepong KTM station, reached KL Central, took LRT to KLCC. :) We had our lunch at the food court. In the past, i used to fond of this food court in KLCC. But now, no.... Yea, it has still many choice to choose what you want to eat, but not much variety. ( lol... weird English. ==) There are still Japanese food, fast food, Italian food, Subway (=D) and local food. the local food stores are almost the same: Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Chicken Rice, Pan fried noodles... BUT, almost all is Mix rice. i don't know see any Western Food Store. I hear some tourists that complain "too much mix rice here". I love the "Otak-otak restaurant", but not the store there, kinda low quality. Totally different from the same restaurant at 1 Utama.
Next, we went to my favourite in KLCC, Kinokuniya book store. XD i bought 3 books, which are very very expensive. BUT I LOVE IT. :) It's the kind of book that i will keep it always. Around 4:45pm, we left KLCC, and headed back to our home. In LRT, YeeT was so amazed of the speed of the train that you can hear "waaaa~", "wooo....." many times. :D
A perfect day needs a "perfect" rest. Exhausted.
P/S: Thanks again YeeT.
I woke up at 6am this morning, feeling so sleepy, and reluctant to get up from my bed. I had a nightmare last night and I kept waking up in the silent midnight to check the time. 3am, 4am, 4:30am, 5:30am........ Maybe i was too nervous about the "Undang" test, or maybe... it's just becoz' of the nightmare. Till now, the detestable nightmare still 'stamped" in my mind. Urgh. Sometimes i really hope our mind has a 'delete' button.
So i reached YeeT house around 7:10am with an empty stomach. Thanks to my dad's good luck wish and the biscuits that YeeT gave me to fill up my nothing-but-gastric juice stomach. We reached at the agency (Thanks auntie~) around 7:30am and waited for 30 minutes. We went together with the other 7 students to the place where we had our "Undang" Test. We reached there at 8:15am. I got the number 87, YeeT got 86. Both of us decided to wait at the restaurant, since the number that appeared on the screen was only 40 something and the room was packed with other students from the other agency.Thanks to the owner of the restaurant, he gathered 5 of us, which were me, YeeT and the other 3 students that came with us this morning. Then a guy named Dennis (YeeT called him Tennis. LOL!) started to talk to us. It was kinda awkward at first, coz' only me, YeeT and Dennis were talking. But slowly, the other two join our conversation. Later, after 45 minutes, then only we introduce ourselves. Haha, wrong sequence. ==
We met a lot of people there. Basil, Kean Yung (I'm not sure about the Spelling), Chong Keat, Aaron, Thong Yen and other friends from the Buddha Camp. =D After few hours, FINALLY at 11:45am, we get to go into the room to had our test. Seriously, within that few hours, i really had butterflies in stomach. I was totally nervous about the test! Hope the results does not waste my effort in finishing the 500 questions. By the way, the note book with 500 questions that they gave us to do? That sucked. SO many mistakes. Anyway, i managed to pass the test with the score 46/50 in 10 minutes. LOL. It was not that difficult, but it's not that easy either. =P
We were so happy. Coz' five of us passed the test. ^^ We like became friends, and decided to listen to the "amali" class next Saturday together. Oh ya, and by the way, Dennis and the other new friend- Pei Lin met David and Michael. What a coincidence! the other new friend is Douglas. :)
YeeT and I went to the Kepong KTM station, reached KL Central, took LRT to KLCC. :) We had our lunch at the food court. In the past, i used to fond of this food court in KLCC. But now, no.... Yea, it has still many choice to choose what you want to eat, but not much variety. ( lol... weird English. ==) There are still Japanese food, fast food, Italian food, Subway (=D) and local food. the local food stores are almost the same: Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Chicken Rice, Pan fried noodles... BUT, almost all is Mix rice. i don't know see any Western Food Store. I hear some tourists that complain "too much mix rice here". I love the "Otak-otak restaurant", but not the store there, kinda low quality. Totally different from the same restaurant at 1 Utama.
Next, we went to my favourite in KLCC, Kinokuniya book store. XD i bought 3 books, which are very very expensive. BUT I LOVE IT. :) It's the kind of book that i will keep it always. Around 4:45pm, we left KLCC, and headed back to our home. In LRT, YeeT was so amazed of the speed of the train that you can hear "waaaa~", "wooo....." many times. :D
A perfect day needs a "perfect" rest. Exhausted.
P/S: Thanks again YeeT.
Party and Event,
Something to say,
Spill The Beans
Thursday, January 13, 2011
男:(O.O) 我第一次看见有人吃荷兰芹…
女:当然会吃啊,因为…荷兰芹也是料理本身的一部分啊! 我喜欢这特别的味道,虽然常被人说我很奇怪……
没有荷兰芹的盘子看起来总觉得缺了点什么… 感觉有点寂寞… 没有任何东西是没意义的,不论是盘子里还是舞台。
女:我就是喜欢特别的味道,就算常被人说我奇怪。:) 懂了没?荷兰芹同学。
男:(O.O) 我第一次看见有人吃荷兰芹…
女:当然会吃啊,因为…荷兰芹也是料理本身的一部分啊! 我喜欢这特别的味道,虽然常被人说我很奇怪……
没有荷兰芹的盘子看起来总觉得缺了点什么… 感觉有点寂寞… 没有任何东西是没意义的,不论是盘子里还是舞台。
女:我就是喜欢特别的味道,就算常被人说我奇怪。:) 懂了没?荷兰芹同学。
One Piece和Nodame Cantabile也看完了,也重复看了Paradise Kiss、恶作剧之吻和完美小姐进化论。我没打算看浪客剑心,因为我怕我接受不了结局(好烂的理由==)说真的,很多戏我都忍不住一直追下去,很想知道结局。看完了整套戏后,我反而希望戏不要结束,一直做下去。一旦开始看,就会一直持续看,很难停止。我很喜欢浪客剑心,所以不是很想看它的大结局。很奇怪吧?
学日语。这是我从小就有的愿望。但因为时间和交通上的问题,再加上父母很忙,所以一直无法实现这愿望。:( 我好想出去哦,也很想旅行。开始有点后悔没在一月上college了……
One Piece和Nodame Cantabile也看完了,也重复看了Paradise Kiss、恶作剧之吻和完美小姐进化论。我没打算看浪客剑心,因为我怕我接受不了结局(好烂的理由==)说真的,很多戏我都忍不住一直追下去,很想知道结局。看完了整套戏后,我反而希望戏不要结束,一直做下去。一旦开始看,就会一直持续看,很难停止。我很喜欢浪客剑心,所以不是很想看它的大结局。很奇怪吧?
学日语。这是我从小就有的愿望。但因为时间和交通上的问题,再加上父母很忙,所以一直无法实现这愿望。:( 我好想出去哦,也很想旅行。开始有点后悔没在一月上college了……
Monday, January 10, 2011
所以这只是小部分。 :)
XD 全部都是我的宝贝~
第三层是我的宝贝CD, 汉堡也是放CD的,另外两瓶玻璃罐是之前提到JiaYao送我的生日礼物。
最下面那层是我喜欢的照相簿,朋友送的水晶球,我的SketchBook (里面有我画的帅帅的犬夜叉),我的美术学会学弟学妹们送的相框,minyen,jeenvern,chyehuey,hongnian 前年送的生日礼物里送的 Panda 还有婷送我的宝贝礼物@便当盒。
有网球王子, 浪客剑心,火影忍者, 海贼王, 乱马1/2, NANA, GTO, 樱兰高校男公关部, 交响情人梦, 少年阴阳师,宫崎骏作品,恶作剧之吻,地狱少女,梦幻游戏等。
所以这只是小部分。 :)
XD 全部都是我的宝贝~
第三层是我的宝贝CD, 汉堡也是放CD的,另外两瓶玻璃罐是之前提到JiaYao送我的生日礼物。
最下面那层是我喜欢的照相簿,朋友送的水晶球,我的SketchBook (里面有我画的帅帅的犬夜叉),我的美术学会学弟学妹们送的相框,minyen,jeenvern,chyehuey,hongnian 前年送的生日礼物里送的 Panda 还有婷送我的宝贝礼物@便当盒。
有网球王子, 浪客剑心,火影忍者, 海贼王, 乱马1/2, NANA, GTO, 樱兰高校男公关部, 交响情人梦, 少年阴阳师,宫崎骏作品,恶作剧之吻,地狱少女,梦幻游戏等。
一首是SHINee Onew的
Wedding Dress
一首是SHINee Onew的
Wedding Dress
昨天很开心~ 一大早便和父母、哥哥到1 Utama去,大约9是抵达那儿。和哥哥吃早餐时,顺便和他讨论以后的出路。谢谢他给予那么多建议。:) 9:45am,送哥哥到1 U外的巴士站。平时送哥哥回新加坡时,虽然很不舍,但没什么伤感。但这次目睹哥哥上巴士离开,鼻子酸酸的很想哭。不过没哭啦……= P接着一个小时,我到我喜欢的店逛,像是MPH,Popular, Comic Paradise, The Face Shop 和一些CD店。买了三本漫画、文具、敷面的Mask。接着和妈妈买衣服,一下子买了很多衣,因为之前没什么买。这次的新年衣,没有一件是ESPRIT的(O.o 出乎意料),去年全部都是……哈哈。今年的衣不是DIESEL, UNIONBAY,就是HANG TEN。:) 不过全部都是和以前一样暗色系的~
离开1 utama 后,爸爸载我们到Tun Ismail吃出名的虾面。因为太多人了,所以和一位相当老的uncle共用一个桌子。这个讲英文的uncle很好聊哦,说了很多话。他说他是退休的宠物医生(我的眼睛亮了),现在教着补习,教科学和数学。他说他还曾经教过 Anwar Ibrahim的女儿(我的眼睛更亮了)。他和爸爸谈天,也和我说了蛮多话,大多数是关于教育的。还有就是问我很多问题,像是毕业后的出路之类的。他是个随和的人,也相当幽默的~像是第二个Mr.Lim(教化学的)有机会和他谈天,我很开心。=D
大约2:45pm到家,收到婷的信息,说是要去国家图书馆~yay~~XD 很开心的,冲了凉后,顺手拿了新年衣来穿,哈哈。3:20pm到婷的家,起初有点惊讶Kevin也在。到了国家图书馆后,到设计部门去看书。有点失望,因为没什么书,不过也多多少少预料到了。申请当国家图书馆的会员后,借了三本书。=)大约五时,回婷的家。在她家看了Mutiara 2010,5K班的页数有点蒙,不过算是最好看的了~XD
昨天很开心~ 一大早便和父母、哥哥到1 Utama去,大约9是抵达那儿。和哥哥吃早餐时,顺便和他讨论以后的出路。谢谢他给予那么多建议。:) 9:45am,送哥哥到1 U外的巴士站。平时送哥哥回新加坡时,虽然很不舍,但没什么伤感。但这次目睹哥哥上巴士离开,鼻子酸酸的很想哭。不过没哭啦……= P接着一个小时,我到我喜欢的店逛,像是MPH,Popular, Comic Paradise, The Face Shop 和一些CD店。买了三本漫画、文具、敷面的Mask。接着和妈妈买衣服,一下子买了很多衣,因为之前没什么买。这次的新年衣,没有一件是ESPRIT的(O.o 出乎意料),去年全部都是……哈哈。今年的衣不是DIESEL, UNIONBAY,就是HANG TEN。:) 不过全部都是和以前一样暗色系的~
离开1 utama 后,爸爸载我们到Tun Ismail吃出名的虾面。因为太多人了,所以和一位相当老的uncle共用一个桌子。这个讲英文的uncle很好聊哦,说了很多话。他说他是退休的宠物医生(我的眼睛亮了),现在教着补习,教科学和数学。他说他还曾经教过 Anwar Ibrahim的女儿(我的眼睛更亮了)。他和爸爸谈天,也和我说了蛮多话,大多数是关于教育的。还有就是问我很多问题,像是毕业后的出路之类的。他是个随和的人,也相当幽默的~像是第二个Mr.Lim(教化学的)有机会和他谈天,我很开心。=D
大约2:45pm到家,收到婷的信息,说是要去国家图书馆~yay~~XD 很开心的,冲了凉后,顺手拿了新年衣来穿,哈哈。3:20pm到婷的家,起初有点惊讶Kevin也在。到了国家图书馆后,到设计部门去看书。有点失望,因为没什么书,不过也多多少少预料到了。申请当国家图书馆的会员后,借了三本书。=)大约五时,回婷的家。在她家看了Mutiara 2010,5K班的页数有点蒙,不过算是最好看的了~XD
Sunday, January 9, 2011
今天原本要去Min Yen家的,但因为某些原因,最后没去成。:(
哥哥明天就要回新加坡了。从上个星期回来的那天,家里变得更热闹。有时候早上会在五时起床,帮弟弟姐姐爸爸妈妈做早餐。偶尔会遇到在客厅看戏的哥哥。很惊讶地问他:“你几点起床?(O.o)” 他回答说:”我根本没睡。” O.o!!??? 也对啦,白天不是在看书,就是在边看戏,边做运动,要不然就睡觉、吃东西。== 这几天的活动只有这五样。不过,当全家人一起吃饭的时候,最~开心了! :D
从上个星期买了DPP后,开始看One Piece@海贼王。超好看的~终于看完了一 set。(1 set = 100集)一个星期看完一百集,真不简单呢~^^One Piece 超好看的!! 虽然整个故事主要是在说 “梦想”、“冒险” 和 “伙伴” ,但我还是看到笑到肚子痛,要不然就偷偷躲在抱枕后哭(刚好在半夜看)。
总之,One Piece超好看的啦~老实说,比犬夜叉好看。但还是最爱犬夜叉了~XD
P/S:我也很爱OnePiece~ XP
哥哥明天就要回新加坡了。从上个星期回来的那天,家里变得更热闹。有时候早上会在五时起床,帮弟弟姐姐爸爸妈妈做早餐。偶尔会遇到在客厅看戏的哥哥。很惊讶地问他:“你几点起床?(O.o)” 他回答说:”我根本没睡。” O.o!!??? 也对啦,白天不是在看书,就是在边看戏,边做运动,要不然就睡觉、吃东西。== 这几天的活动只有这五样。不过,当全家人一起吃饭的时候,最~开心了! :D
从上个星期买了DPP后,开始看One Piece@海贼王。超好看的~终于看完了一 set。(1 set = 100集)一个星期看完一百集,真不简单呢~^^One Piece 超好看的!! 虽然整个故事主要是在说 “梦想”、“冒险” 和 “伙伴” ,但我还是看到笑到肚子痛,要不然就偷偷躲在抱枕后哭(刚好在半夜看)。
总之,One Piece超好看的啦~老实说,比犬夜叉好看。但还是最爱犬夜叉了~XD
P/S:我也很爱OnePiece~ XP
Friday, January 7, 2011
Yee Teng's birthday present
Yesterday, i gave Yee Teng the calender that i made as her 2010 birthday present.
But i just gave her January & February.
There are some yellow-orange-red-pink patches at the background,
i was kinda regret, coz' the result was not as nice as i thought.
But overall, i still like this "January"
i used pink-orange-yellow-purple as the main colour.
"Inside" the duck, there are many birthday wishes. :)
Again, result is not that nice as i thought.
but overall it's ok.
Valentine's Day is in February.
That's why the theme is "mysterious love"
i used green-blue-purple as the main colour,
as they show some mysterious elements.
YeeT like Twilight so much (but i'm not sure now....)
so i paste a beautiful scene of Bella and Edward to represent Valentine! :)
I think the pictures of moon are nice too.
But i just gave her January & February.
There are some yellow-orange-red-pink patches at the background,
i was kinda regret, coz' the result was not as nice as i thought.
But overall, i still like this "January"
i used pink-orange-yellow-purple as the main colour.
"Inside" the duck, there are many birthday wishes. :)
Again, result is not that nice as i thought.
but overall it's ok.
Valentine's Day is in February.
That's why the theme is "mysterious love"
i used green-blue-purple as the main colour,
as they show some mysterious elements.
YeeT like Twilight so much (but i'm not sure now....)
so i paste a beautiful scene of Bella and Edward to represent Valentine! :)
I think the pictures of moon are nice too.
i like the blue crystal. :D
the leaf.... was kinda ugly.
i like the meaning of the love poem/lyrics.
but too bad my writing doesn't look nice.
If i use computer software to edit the whole "February"
i think the result will be much more better.
too bad i don't have such computer software.
Anyway, hope she like it.
Put much effort on it.
Even though sometimes you tried so hard,
the results you get might not satisfy you. :(
Something to say,
Spill The Beans
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hello. Yeap, today is 6th of January, 2011 (Thursday). Yee Teng, Kevin, Ee Leen, Xin Ru and I suppose to be in Sabah now. But, due to many reasons, we canceled the trip. It's been a while that i did not talk to some of my friends. Kinda miss my friends, and my previous school life. i really miss my tuition teachers too! Mr. Suguz, Siiva, Sundram, Lim, Nicholas, and Eugene. :)
Anyway, i get to meet some of my friends today! yay~
Well, i woke up at 6am today just to get prepare for my very first undang lesson today. After lock, stock and barrel, i hit the road to YeeT's house. 7.40am, i reached YeeT's house and 8.00am SHARP at the Yoon Seong or Sam Yew(?) Driving Lesson School (Sekolah Memandu). Anyway, we have to wait about 45 minutes for the other students(?). 8.45am, YeeT and I hopped on to the van. Both of us knocked our head. wahaha. and the weird thing is, there were 5 people and only 2 of them were chatting. the two person was us. == we were like very noisy to the other 3 people. wahaha. :D
So we reached at the WP Institute for the undang lesson at 9am. we registered and went into KPP(1) room. At first, there were not much people. YeeT kept asking why there's so little people. at 9:4am, a Malay teacher walked in. I was attracted to his colourful songkok(?) and his big ears. haha. He asked us to write our name, IC number and address on a huge book. The next thing he did really shocked me. He played an anonymous Japanese techno pop song. WAHAHHAHAHAHA. i cant stop laughing. Then he played a slide show that shows a lot of newspaper related to the road accident. Besides the Japanese song, there were also nice songs like Hot N' Cold - Katy Perry, Just Dance- Lady Gaga, Lonely -Akon, Smack that.... (** the teacher uses pink colour SE cell phone! XD) Seriously, the teacher look damn serious, but his acts were extremely odd.
So we wait wait wait....until the class was full. Strange, no one wanted to sit beside me. Am I so scary? T______T at 10.30 something, the class finally started. the next few hours, the other teacher taught us "so many" things. he kept showing us his podgy fingers and said we must first hormat, then dengar, ikut, sabar and lastly terima kasih. he repeated this so MANY times until even i don't want to remember it but it still stuck inside my brain. == The next thing, he showed his index, middle and ring finger with another hand pointing and said " ini ibu, ini ayah, ini guru, ketiga-tiga orang ini berkaitan dengan kehidupan kita....." We had moral and sivic lesson until 1.15pm, and we finally had a break. In my head, i screamed out my lungs " YAAAAAHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ", even i looked so sleepy in the reality.
We had our lunch at the canteen. Yeaap, i don't like the food there. We met quite a few people from the same secondary school. and i met my lovely friends Jen Tim and Chye Huey. What a coincidence! XD 2pm, we went back to our class and again listened to the moral and sivic + a little bit of undang lesson. we thought the class was going to end a 4:30pm. But around 3.30pm, the teacher's phone suddenly rang and said the class should end. again, i screamed in my head.
So, we ended the undang lesson. FINALLY. Honestly, i'm kinda afraid of the driving lesson. i don't like the attitude of many human beings on the road. They will become so impatient, reckless and get angry easily on the road. When you are too slow or you made something wrong accidentally, the other driver might show you his "nice" middle finger or any bad words in any language( either four-word, malay, mandarin, hokkien, tamil, cantonese...) . Overall the undang class, was boring FOR ME. it was quite a waste if time FOR ME. the teacher made so many jokes which i think not ALL the jokes were that funny FOR ME. Anyway, i did smirk(?) or smile(?) for some of it.
Had a great time with YeeT. wish to go out with her again. Our conservation can't end! :)
I reached my home around 4:45pm, i was exhausted. i chased my dog (coz' it ran out) and shouted so many times to ask my brother to open door (the maid opened the gate, but not the door ==) I watch One Piece again with my DPP. and fall asleep very quickly.
Now i'm awake! :D
Anyway, i get to meet some of my friends today! yay~
Well, i woke up at 6am today just to get prepare for my very first undang lesson today. After lock, stock and barrel, i hit the road to YeeT's house. 7.40am, i reached YeeT's house and 8.00am SHARP at the Yoon Seong or Sam Yew(?) Driving Lesson School (Sekolah Memandu). Anyway, we have to wait about 45 minutes for the other students(?). 8.45am, YeeT and I hopped on to the van. Both of us knocked our head. wahaha. and the weird thing is, there were 5 people and only 2 of them were chatting. the two person was us. == we were like very noisy to the other 3 people. wahaha. :D
So we reached at the WP Institute for the undang lesson at 9am. we registered and went into KPP(1) room. At first, there were not much people. YeeT kept asking why there's so little people. at 9:4am, a Malay teacher walked in. I was attracted to his colourful songkok(?) and his big ears. haha. He asked us to write our name, IC number and address on a huge book. The next thing he did really shocked me. He played an anonymous Japanese techno pop song. WAHAHHAHAHAHA. i cant stop laughing. Then he played a slide show that shows a lot of newspaper related to the road accident. Besides the Japanese song, there were also nice songs like Hot N' Cold - Katy Perry, Just Dance- Lady Gaga, Lonely -Akon, Smack that.... (** the teacher uses pink colour SE cell phone! XD) Seriously, the teacher look damn serious, but his acts were extremely odd.
So we wait wait wait....until the class was full. Strange, no one wanted to sit beside me. Am I so scary? T______T at 10.30 something, the class finally started. the next few hours, the other teacher taught us "so many" things. he kept showing us his podgy fingers and said we must first hormat, then dengar, ikut, sabar and lastly terima kasih. he repeated this so MANY times until even i don't want to remember it but it still stuck inside my brain. == The next thing, he showed his index, middle and ring finger with another hand pointing and said " ini ibu, ini ayah, ini guru, ketiga-tiga orang ini berkaitan dengan kehidupan kita....." We had moral and sivic lesson until 1.15pm, and we finally had a break. In my head, i screamed out my lungs " YAAAAAHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ", even i looked so sleepy in the reality.
We had our lunch at the canteen. Yeaap, i don't like the food there. We met quite a few people from the same secondary school. and i met my lovely friends Jen Tim and Chye Huey. What a coincidence! XD 2pm, we went back to our class and again listened to the moral and sivic + a little bit of undang lesson. we thought the class was going to end a 4:30pm. But around 3.30pm, the teacher's phone suddenly rang and said the class should end. again, i screamed in my head.
So, we ended the undang lesson. FINALLY. Honestly, i'm kinda afraid of the driving lesson. i don't like the attitude of many human beings on the road. They will become so impatient, reckless and get angry easily on the road. When you are too slow or you made something wrong accidentally, the other driver might show you his "nice" middle finger or any bad words in any language( either four-word, malay, mandarin, hokkien, tamil, cantonese...) . Overall the undang class, was boring FOR ME. it was quite a waste if time FOR ME. the teacher made so many jokes which i think not ALL the jokes were that funny FOR ME. Anyway, i did smirk(?) or smile(?) for some of it.
Had a great time with YeeT. wish to go out with her again. Our conservation can't end! :)
I reached my home around 4:45pm, i was exhausted. i chased my dog (coz' it ran out) and shouted so many times to ask my brother to open door (the maid opened the gate, but not the door ==) I watch One Piece again with my DPP. and fall asleep very quickly.
Now i'm awake! :D
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
5K Class Party 2010
和朋友们从Mid Valley& The Gardens唱K回来后,我们到Christine的家party~
饭厅很热闹 :)
客厅更热闹 :)
Anndrea & Xin Ru
Kai Yan的歌
Kai Yan
Ee Leen
Jia Yao 送的礼物,哈哈。=D
也和Jie Jiun 拍很多~
和朋友们玩喜·怒·哀·乐 XD
Xin Ru
Min Yen
Kar Yen
Jie Jiun
Chye Huey
Ee Leen
和朋友们从Mid Valley& The Gardens唱K回来后,我们到Christine的家party~
饭厅很热闹 :)
客厅更热闹 :)
Anndrea & Xin Ru
Kai Yan的歌
Kai Yan
Ee Leen
Jia Yao 送的礼物,哈哈。=D
也和Jie Jiun 拍很多~
和朋友们玩喜·怒·哀·乐 XD
Xin Ru
Min Yen
Kar Yen
Jie Jiun
Chye Huey
Ee Leen
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