Tuesday, April 9, 2013



很羞耻地告诉大家,今天是我第一次打工。X) 之前给补习班的就不算了(现在还有),因为教的学生是认识的(我男朋友的表弟^^),时间地点都很flexible。 :D

平时的打扮,我算是中性型,但其实我一直很憧憬的是那种很少女的服装啊~ *羞* 所以决定在OneUtama的LALU做我的第一次Part Time Job。 耶!!如果没有听过LALU的,简单的介绍,它是来自新加坡的服装店。有兴趣的话请点击。从我报名的那一刻,我一直都处于又兴奋又担心的状态,我很期待我上班的第一天。同时,我抱着最坏的打算,不放很大的期望。我一直想象我会被经理骂、被经理欺负、被同事疏远、被人陷害……= =

一切都不如预算,开工第一天,我被派去另外一间服装店— iora晴天霹雳!!
我虽然看起来无所谓,但内心的少女(哈哈XD)一直在呐喊,老实说,我真的非常失望。:( 原来,LALU 和 iora 是来自同一间公司的。LALU 那儿已经够多员工了,所以只好派我来这儿。 并不是iora 不好,可是我一直都很想很想在像 LALU 的服装店上班。***泪*** 也许,当初如果知道我会在iora上班的话,我不会报名吧!:[

无论如何,竟然我已经报名,我决定撑下去!因为我很需要钱。 哥哥说,如果要成功,不要只会读书读书读书,一定要有其他方面的技巧/常识。很多很多事情是读书学不会的。例子:如何招待一个顾客、(大概)知道一个公司是如何运营、如何与老板以及同事沟通等。还有很多琐碎的事情,如:如何用复印机、如何用收款机、如何用熨衣的steamer (= =)…… 最重要的是,拥有更多的经验,离开你的comfort zone!!

坦白说,第一天上班真的很~~~~累。我不是full time的,可是我还是觉得很累。毕竟这是我第一次连续九小时站着上班。对于那些常常打工也许是小case, 所以我并没有抱怨。(除了下班后,对可怜的男朋友抱怨半小时,哈哈!) 还有,上班时,Jiffy Steamer 是我的好朋友,没错就是它。

它,给予我温暖,托它的服,同事觉得很冷很冷,我却感到温度刚刚好;它,强健我的手臂,托它的服,我的手臂到现在很痛。-.- 今天,我熨的衣有不少五六十件。(我知道啦,小case嘛,对你来说)熨熨熨……不知不觉过了三小时。iora 真的很多衣,而且款式很像,偏偏一个款式有不同的颜色。偏偏!同款式的衣不会放在一起。偏偏!!同颜色的衣不会放在一起。iora 排衣的方式真的很特别。(例: 浅青浅青 浅蓝粉红浅蓝粉红 )我不否认,店里看起来五颜六色的,很漂亮。可是要找一件衣的“归宿”,我需要5-15分钟的时间,一直在店里绕来绕去。我像顾客多过像员工。:(

不过,还是要说,第一天上班,真的算不错了。:) 虽然(再强调)我非常失望,但是这里的员工都很好,会告诉我这个完全没有经验的人怎么做、错了如何改、偶尔还会和我谈几句话,问问我现在读着什么,为什么打工之类的。:)

我一定要加油!!! 我真的觉得能够背完整间店的衣是不可能的事,毕竟我不会在这里呆很久。:( 可是我一定会努力!离开我的comfort zone!!耶!!

頑張って ね~

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Daily Brands (Morning only.lol.)

Lol. apparently, my blog is not really revived, my enthusiasm and passionate to blog is deadened. But!! I always wanted to blog this post: Daily Brand. Sounds weird, huh? This title means that the brands that you used daily. :) I think this is quite an interesting and FUN title to blog about, so i clicked on the red colour cross button of my facebook page and start writing this post. *****Hell yeaaaahhh... Feels good to blog again. :D

Wake up in the morning (lol. typing that five words actually plays a song in my mind. -.-). Brushing  teeth and washing face are daily routines. ( i think i'm talking nonsense here. -.-)
For the toothbrush, i used a red colour Oral-B CrossAction Pro-Health Toothbrush and another Oral-B soft toothbrush to softly "brush" my lips. Hehe.. i found that it's actually a good way to exfoliate my lips so that they look more pinkish-red. It has been my daily routine for like years. :) The toothpaste that i used is Darlie Double Action. It'a a brand that i used since young, after i stopped using Kodomo Lion with grape flavour (seriously, that toothpaste is dangerous, that grape flavour taste sooooo great that it made me wanted to eat it.). Next, are the brands of beauty products that i used to wash my face and of course the whole loooooooong skin care routine. First, cleanse my face using O'slee Rosehip hydra-white cleansing powder, then Etude House wonder pore freshner as a pre-toner step, Skinfood Parsley and Mandarin Orange toner if i have few acne or pimples on that day. Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Moisturinsing Lotion and Rosehip Beauty Solution III to quench the thirst of my facial skin, Vaseline Lip Therapy Petroleum Jelly for keeping the moisture of my lips. Sometimes O'slee Rosehip Q10 Moisturizing Lotion, sometimes O'slee Soybean milk Whitening Essence Lotion as my last step of my skin care routine. Oh yaa! and for the eye-care products, O'slee Milk Hydra-Whitening Eye Cream or O'slee Rosehip Complete Eye Cream, depends on my mood, lol. Recently, i found a new favourite product, Optrex Eye Lotion, odd to have a lotion for the eye. But after "soaking" my eyes in that lotion for a while, i feel like i open my eyes and see a whole new world. heeee :DD Yeaaa, I used that much of brands in just half an hour time in the morning. But, i used them in quite a saving way, feel so so bad if i finished up all the products within few months. lol.
After a whole long paragraph, i finally realize it is ridiculous to mention all the brands that you used in the whole day. -.- i did not even mention the brand of my towel and cotton pad that i used to apply toner just now. Later on, i changed my clothes, which there is a list of brands, then, what I have for my breakfast, the brands of egg, tuna, yogurt, milk, cereal, bread, mushroom, tofu, salad... Then the brands that i used to eat my breakfast, the bowls, the frying pan, the knife, the spoon and fork, the chopsticks, the cup.. After that, the brands of products i used to clean them and the cloth i used to wipe the table...... it's crazy. The brands that we used daily are like (i think) at least 100...

Now i can't recall the reason i think writing this post is fun. -.- For the people who actually read through the whole long paragraph, Thank you! :D and sorry. :(

Till then. :)