Tuesday, December 28, 2010


刚从新加坡和马六甲回来,好久没写部落格了。 原本要写
  • Mid Valley Education Fair
  • Kevin的生日卡
  • 新加坡和马六甲之旅
不过打算在30号和“与逸婷逛街”、“Clover唱K”、“Class Party” 等一起写。现在想说一下自己的心情……

  1. 月亮 · 因为我的脸很多疤痕,有很多痘痘 (好想哭~)
  2. 苹果 · 皮肤已经够黑了,却有时候很容易变红,不是白里透红,而是又黑又红, 丑死了。
  3. Pizza · 又圆又油,我的皮肤是属于油性的 =(

一些瘦的人,不会了解胖的人的心情,有一些,常把“你很胖”挂在口上,有一些,也许真心,也许假意,认为你没有其他人说的那么胖。我想对那一些人说,胖的人也有尊严,不要常常在一大堆人面前批评我们。我的外表的弱点,我真的很清楚,被其他人讲或批评是难免的。很多时候,我都忍着,笑着说:“我知道。”,但事实上,心里不是很好过。我曾经和朋友说过我的 烦恼,多数都说我应该有信心点,有的则说:“那就减肥啊!” 我想说的是,减肥并不是很容易,真的。要增肥,只需三天,要真的减肥?我看需要多过三个月吧!!减肥可以说难,也可以说容易,但最重要的是要有毅力。我认 为只要有毅力,什么都能完成。我认为减肥期间,真的很需要家人和朋友的鼓励,他们的支持将会成为我们的推动力。老实说,我每次都有说要减肥,但最后还是失 败了,“我要减肥!”都不知道说了多少次……我有想要减肥的念头,但我都没有实际的行动,就算有,最长也只维持几个星期。天下只有懒女人,没有丑女人。都那么久了,我都不能瘦下来,反而一直向旁边成长。所以我是懒女人。

几年了,我已经没穿短裙和短裤出街。我每一次都必须为下一次出去时穿什么而烦恼。有时候会在前一晚花几小时试穿很多衣,因为我以前没那么胖,所以许多衣都很明显的变紧了。认识我的人都应该知道,我70%的衣是长袖的,就算是背心,也配长袖外套。60%的衣是黑色系或暗色系。半小时前,我在“翻”我的衣橱,我好烦恼,因为明天又要朋友出街,我不想在朋友面前重复穿同样的衣服,但我已经没办法了。其他的衣穿了都不好看。打开姐姐的衣橱,五颜六色的,什么款式都有,紧身牛仔裤、裤袜、迷你裙、热裤、背心、碎花衣裳、连身裙、小外套…… 我突然好羡慕,再看看自己的衣橱,我觉得自己很可悲,我怎么能让自己胖到这地步。我也好想要穿短裙短裤、我也好想要像姐姐一样,常常被亲朋戚友称赞,而不是被取笑,被批评、我也好想要,无论在站着时,或坐着时不会感到不自在。我有好多“好想要"……



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

MANGA-s 开封仪式


it sounds like i'm a otaku. wahaha.

i'm not.


The LAST day of SPM

Yo, everybody!! c'mon, shout with me..... YAYYY~~~~~~
Finally, the exam ends today. Do you smell that?? Do you smell that?? That's the smell of FREEDOM. YEA!! XD

LOL. ok. erm... so we had our last paper today, which is Chinese. Yet, i choose to post it with English. == Well, that paper, is damn hard. Seriously, if you can do the whole paper smoothly, i think you are damn smart. or maybe, i' m too stupid. (i'm not) Looking at the whole paragraph (文言文), i felt like i'm reading a foreign language. =P

So, Science stream students, we finished our task, with FORTITUDE, with COURAGE, with FAITH(?)!! For the Art Stream students, i feel so bad for them. They have another paper on 20th of December, which is 6 days after. 5 DAYS before Christmas!! i think that's the first time in SPM history. You might not feel the same way, coz' you might think that "i had more time to spend with friends~" Anyway, i wish you all the BEST in your Economic paper. :)

As usual, exam started at 8am and ended at 10.15am. Recess time, i read some essays which my tutor gave. One of the essay is extremely nice, it is so touching that i nearly cried. =P We met Pn. Rahimi, our Malay teacher, she's a good teacher, though she gave us tonnes of homework... Ahh, we finally graduate, all this past memory had become our history. Odd, i feel happy but sad at the same time whenever i reminisced over my school life! At 11.15am, we had our second paper. I don't know whether i wrote a good essay or not, but i tried my best. 1pm, when the teacher asked us to put down the pen, most of the people were cheering. but i was not really happy, i was kinda worried.... hope i don't get a D, or C, ...or B... However, later, i was freaking happy. =) we finally returned all the SPBT books. We borrowed 18 textbooks from the school, i think 12, 12 out of the 18, i never bring it to school. Hermm, i wonder i ever opened it before. haha.

Anyway, after that, YeeT and I went to the TESCO Kepong. We had our hearty meal at the A&W, i met my dear friend, Michelle, and YeeT met lots of her primary friends, good for her! :) Later, we watched the Disney Movie, Rapunzel- A Tangled Tale. It is quite nice actually. Better then i thought. Some dialogues are kinda funny, touching, and some scenes are so beautiful. Oh ya, we even sit next to the another group of KB students, what a coincidence! =D

This is one of my favourite scene! =D
And this movie, is definitely one of my favourite Disney movie. HEE~

So after that, i chat with YeeT, and went home at 5pm.
I'm so happy today, and i'm exhausted. i think i need a 10 hours sleep.

Signing off. :)


Monday, December 13, 2010


13th of December

Happy Birthday
Hideto Matsumoto!!

You live in my heart. :)

Ohh, i wish i can go here
LEMONed Shop

one day.....

"Stay free your Misery"


Sunday, December 12, 2010




但现在,我有点对自己失望,现在第五天,我才读了中五的名句精华,而且还不熟的…… 另外四天内,我做了什么?看戏看戏看戏。== 我输给了懒惰,像猪一样坐在沙发上,戏看了一处又一处…… 看我之前的post就知道。别以为我只看The Young Victoria 和 The Last Samurai, 我还一直追看American Next Top Model (Cycle 14 & 15)、Master Chef US、How I Met Your Mother等……要不然,就是在做我朋友有的生日卡……

如果你像我一样是Potato Couch,那你可能现在还在看着戏,不是看着我的post,哈哈。==
我想说的是,如果停的是两天,不是六天的话,我会不停地读书 (也说不定)XD

有报考华语的各位,先恭喜你们,因为你们没有放弃自己的母语。我了解华语“在这里”很难拿到A,不过不管会不会考得好,尽力而为啦~ 加油!!!

Signing Off. :)


Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Young Victoria

Another movie that i watched recently. nice~ :)

A dramatization of the turbulent first years of Queen Victoria's rule, and her enduring romance with Prince Albert.

Friday, December 10, 2010


if you read today's newspaper, i'm sure you know who the person i mean. Well, i don't want to mention that person's name here.
at first, i was curious, why is my mom looking at the profile of a good looking guy in the facebook?
Then, i realized that the profile is actually the guy who commit suicide becoz' he was dumped by his girlfriend. he even countdown in the Facebook to commit suicide. mygosh....

i felt kinda sad, coz' this guy is still young, he had a good looking, and the most important is he still have a bright future!!!
i think he made the wrong decision to do something like this, i hope there's someone beside him when he was in the deep despair. but now, everything it's too late.

Please, DON'T EVER commit suicide. Commit suicide is the worst decision.
When your heart sinks to the Davy Jone's Locker, there's always a buoyant force to lift you up.
When you think you cannot move on, your family and friends would definitely be your catalyst.
Determination + Effort ---> Success


R.I.P, guy.

P/S: if you still don't know who i meant, read today's newspaper.


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Lol, i hope i did not spell that word wrongly. ><
That word it's kinda cool, it means 武士道 in Chinese. I learn this word from the movie that i watched recently - The Last Samurai. This movie is awesome!! I love it very much. =D Here are some of my favourite quotes from the movie.
( Algren - Tom Cruise )

Emperor Meiji: Tell me how he died.
Algren: I will tell you how he lived.
(This is the last dialogue of the whole movie. COOL!! **he: Katsumoto, the Samurai )

Katsumoto: You believe a man can change his destiny?
Algren: I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.

Katsumoto: This is my son's village. We are deep in the mountains, and the winter is coming. You cannot escape.
Nobutada: Jolly Good.

[Nobutada is shamed by Imperial Guards who cut off his top knot and take his swords, leaving him in a heap in the street]
Algren: C'mon, I'll take you home.
Nobutada: Jolly good.
(haha, Nobutada learn that from Algren, kinda funny. ** Nobutada is the son of Katsumoto)

Algren: You want me to kill Jappos, I'll kill Jappos.
Colonel Bagley: I'm not asking you to kill anybody.
Algren: You want me to kill THE ENEMIES of Jappos, I'll kill THE ENEMIES of Jappos... Rebs, or Sioux, or Cheyenne... For 500 bucks a month I'll kill whoever you want. But keep one thing in mind: I'd happily kill you for free.
(I just simply like the last few words. =D)

Algren: [shouting] What do you want from me?
Katsumoto: What do you want for yourself?

Emperor Meiji: Ambassador Swanbeck, I have concluded that your treaty is NOT in the best interests of my people.
Ambassador Swanbeck: Sir, if I may...
Emperor Meiji: So sorry, but you may not.
(haha, the Emperor is damn cool. XD)

Silent Samurai: Algren-San.
[he rushes in front of Algren to protect him from being shot, and is consequently shot himself]
Algren: Bob.
(The name of the Samurai that protected Algren is actually not Bob. haha....)

Nobutada: Father, let me stay. It is my time.
(sobs...... so touching, bushido...)

Katsumoto: The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.
(sakura is nice, i wish i have the chance to see it with my eyes)

: Who sent those men to kill you? Was it the Emperor? Omura?
Katsumoto: If The Emperor wishes my death, he has but to ask.
Algren: So it was Omura.

Algren: There was once a battle at a place called Thermopylae, where three hundred brave Greeks held off a Persian army of a million men... a million, you understand this number?
Katsumoto: I understand this number.

[about General Hasegawa]
Algren: He fought with the Samurai?
Simon Graham: He IS Samurai.
(** General Hasegawa is the general for the Imperial's Guard)

Simon Graham: You insolent, useless son of a peasant dog! How dare you show your sword in his presence! Do you know who this is?
[pointing to Algren]
Simon Graham: This is the President of the United States of America! He is here to lead our armies in victorious battle against the rebels!
Guard: It is not my responsibility...
Simon Graham: Now get over there and help those men with their equipment!
Guard: [to his men] Carry the equipment.
[Algren and Graham go through]
Algren: The President of the United States?
Simon Graham: Sorry. I think I'm going to be sick.

Taka: Japanese men do not help with this
Algren: [grabs firewood basket] I am not Japanese

Higen: Will you fight the white men, too?
Algren: If they come here, yes.
Higen: Why?
Algren: Because they come to destroy what I have come to love.
(I like this.... **Higen is son of Taka)

Nobutada: [after Algren is defeated in fencing pratice] Please forgive; too many mind.
Algren: [puzzeled] "Too many mind?"
Nobutada: Hai, mind the sword, mind the people watch, mind enemy - -too many mind.
Nobutada: No mind.
Algren: [pretending getting it] No mind.
[returns to training only to be defeated yet again, much to the laughter of Nobutada and his cousin]

Algren: This is Katsumoto's sword. He would have wanted you to have it. He hoped with his dying breath that you would remember his ancestors who held this sword, and what they died for. May the strength of the Samurai be with you always.

: There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future.

Algren: [narrating] Winter, 1877. What does it mean to be Samurai? To devote yourself utterly to a set of moral principles. To seek a stillness of your mind. And to master the way of the sword.

Emperor Meiji
: My ancestors have ruled Japan for 2,000 years. And for all that time we have slept. During my sleep I have dreamed. I dreamed of a unified Japan. Of a country strong and independent and modern... And now we are awake. We have railroads and cannon, Western clothing. But we cannot forget who we are. Or where we come from.

And here are some pictures of the movie

Tom Cruise is SOOOO handsome!! xDD

Watch this movie. really, it's very nice. =)


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


时间过得真快…………剩最后一张考卷了, 真不知道该开心还是伤心。


接下来的试卷,就没那么顺利了。读了那么熟的 Production of Urine, Cardiac Cycle, Adaptation of Heart, Mangrove swamps, flight & fight situation 等题目,都没出,真失望……试卷三,更气人,补习老师给我们一本有Paper 3 Experiment的册子,考卷出的两题也有在册子内。偏偏……偏偏就是那两题!!!正本册子都读完了,就是没看那两题!!…………我真是笨哪!!


Signing off.


Monday, December 6, 2010


SPM 进入第八天,剩下两张考卷,不知为什么心里觉得很不舍。感觉上考完SPM后,我的中学生涯就正式结束了。=( 说真的,我有点不舍得我现在的生活。每天固定的时间起床,吃早餐,上巴士,坐固定的位置,上周会,上课,听课,谈天,读书,打闹,涂鸦,下课,吃还不错的食堂@食物,和婷gap仔,偶尔去meeting, 见老师,上课,迟回班,睡觉,听课,做功课,等放学,回家。看电视,做家务,看书,听歌,补习补习补习。多么“轻松”的生活啊,说真的,我们现在的生活算是“无忧无虑”,没有太多需要烦恼的事情(除了学业和一些杂碎的事情)。最舍不得的是,周围的人,将会改变。有很多的朋友,虽然关系不错,也很喜欢他们,不过,基本上应该很难再见面了……=(

SPM 第八天,考的是化学@Chemistry。老实说,比起其他考卷,这张是我准备最不足的科目。刚开始是蛮有信心的,读书读到半夜一点钟,头脑已经saturated。不能再继续读下去,睡了四小时后,在起床读Form 5第二和第三课 (结果是出最少的课……==)今天的早餐是最丰富的,不过我很懒得形容,哈哈。=D 八时考试卷一,十时考试卷二,二时考试卷三。试卷二,出乎意料的容易,也出乎意料的,错得多。D=

结束后,和妈妈到餐厅去吃东西。和妈妈谈了好多话。我发现到我很喜欢“解释”,说不定,我适合当教授,去教书呢~xD 我有很多愿望,其中一个是在漫画店打工,父母似乎不反对,不过交通有问题。打工赚来的钱,我想拿来上学日语课。=) 真希望愿望能成真呢!


Friday, December 3, 2010



还有,奇怪的有:糖果纸、玻璃罐、报章、学校派的通告纸、校服上的name tag、颜色纸、File、有日本字的标签……==

基本上,我的东西就是我的宝贝!!!=DD 像是票根哪,通告纸啊、糖果纸啊(干净的)……每个都有故事。像是我有很多玻璃罐,是我自己喝了才收集的……但是我有个两个青色的玻璃罐,它的设计很好看,不过是我朋友送给我当生日礼物的。哈哈哈哈,而且是他喝完里面的饮料才给我。我……=DDD 我撕开礼物纸时,还…………


认识我的人,应该知道我很喜欢我的补习老师:Siiva、Mr.Lim、Suguz、Eugene、Sundram、Nicholas、SunnyLim…… 我有好多好多他们给的笔记,把他们所有的笔记(纸)叠起来的话,应该会有超过我的高度(的一半)。总之,有很~~多!!




SPM第六天 和 第七天

星期三,考恐怖的Addmath, 进考场时我的心跳的超~快的。拿到考卷后, 很兴奋地做完整张考卷, 有点对自己失望,因为有几题是不会做的,不过至少没有空白的部分。=) 十时十五分回家,家里好吵,不过逼自己睡觉。

打雷!!超恐怖的……T___T 之后还停电!!我抬起头,大家都还在“埋头苦干”,根本都没人抬起头看发生什么事,Addmath 的力量真可怕。倒霉的是,我的位置上的屋顶在滴水!!!弄到我的考卷湿湿的!!!可恶,害我必须一边做,一边擦水滴。幸好我用的是Zebra原子笔。=)

回到家,原本要读书的,不过看了一小时的戏。>< 好的是我开始看那戏时,戏已做到三分之一了。;) 过后,又读书读书读书。明天是Physic考卷。老实说,我相当有信心的。因为trial考到87分~ 不过还是努力读到一点钟,当中也有和婷谈天。=)

早上起床,有点累。到了学校,八时进考场,开始做试卷。十时分考试卷二,变态,真是变态,这张不容易,有超过一半的答案我都是随便写的,我很伤心+担心。之后大家都说这张考卷很难,不过我相信大家都考到OK啦! 之后和婷到校外,到某间餐厅去。叫了芋头珍珠奶茶和巧克力松饼。=)我已没什么心情读了,因为都不知道会出什么。之后,Kevin, Ama, 和 Min Yen也来了。一边谈天,一边讨论考卷,一边读书,一边吃东西,一边喝东西。== 回到学校,二时开始试卷三。(真的是出ticker timer啊, 各位……==)

回到家,累垮了,不过妈妈要榨果汁,所以为了让自己醒着,所以看Kevjumba!!! 超好笑的!!xDDD 我的blog旁边有link, 去看看吧~ 和妈妈姐姐弟弟谈天,然后睡觉,醒来时已经七点多,今天八点有补习,最后四次的补习。补时,相当开心~Mr.Lim 果然是我最喜欢的老师之一。=) 回到家,心情不是很好。得知我的试卷三错的不少,再加上试卷一错七题,彻底失望。D= 好怕我拿不到A啊---------

半夜,收到有一则信息,是好,也是坏消息。茹被选进第一队国民服务,在Sarawak,这是好消息。被选去Sarawak,是好事,因为Sarawak的国民服务营很好。坏消息是,茹不能和我们去Sabah旅行了。DDDDDD= 很伤心啊!!!!!!!!!

P/S:MasterChef 很好看~=)


Wednesday, December 1, 2010



Tuesday, November 30, 2010


YAY~ SPM 进入第二周,考了五张,终于剩下五张考卷。明天是关键时刻,明天考高级数学@AddMath。这是我相当担心的科目,因为我没有拿过A。想拿全A的梦想可能会因为此科目而破灭。拜托拜托,明天的考卷程度别那么高。>< 做了那么多题练习题,好希望努力没白费。

今天的早餐是妈妈自制的汉堡。比昨天的三文治更好吃很多倍!!整个汉堡都是自制的,所以很健康,没有什么化学物品(不包括Sodium chloride)。内陷还带有Thyme淡淡的香味,外脆内软,吃了还想要再吃。如果再配一点昨天的炒蘑菇和洋葱就perfect了!=D

到了学校后,发现大家都在讨论昨晚收到的的tips: 1 Malaysia, Penderaan/Keracunan Makanan, H1N1。不过可惜的是,考试并没有出这些题目。八时正,考试开始,考卷是Pendidikan Moral Kertas 1,华语称为道德教育试卷一。是大家公认最“没有用”的考卷。全部人死背Nilai-nilai, 希望能考好这张试卷。但其实,在这科拿A的学生,品行未必好;拿不到A的学生的品行则(可能)好得不得了。

考试前,发生了一件小事情。婷忘记带Slip Peperiksaan, 也就是进考场的“准证”。不过幸好她爸爸能够在进考场前赶来拿给她,也终于可以让她的眉头休息了,因为她一直一直皱着眉头。


十时, 考Pendidikan Islam的学生交上考卷;十时三十分,考Pendidikan Moral的学生交上考卷。

现在是十一时三十分,signing off. :)


Monday, November 29, 2010


不知不觉SPM已过了“四天”,不,正确来讲,是七天,星期五、六、日都没有考试。真不明白政府,十张考卷可以拖到一个月之久!因为今天早结束,所以介绍一下什么是SPM (酱以后就不会忘了 =D)。SPM= Sijil Perlajaran Malaysia,华语称为大马教育文凭,新加坡也有类似的考试,没记错的话,应该是称为O Level 或 A Level吧!这是每位中学生毕业前必考的大考,然后再凭大考的成绩来申请上学院(college),也可以拿来申请Matriculation、JPA、中六等。

我的目标:10A+, 不过这是不可能的事,我没有那么聪明。要拿A+,就是每一张考卷拿九十分以上。不过其实正确来说,是等批改全马考生的试卷后,看每位学生的程度,再决定可拿A+的分数。我想拿A+,越多越好,因为这样我就能申请奖学金,有机会的话,我想出国深造。=)


早餐是我妈妈精心准备的三文治,内陷是炒巴西蘑菇、炒洋葱和沙拉菜,再撒上一点oregano。特别香,特别好吃。=) 一切准备就绪后,出发至学校。到了校门口,刚好看到婷下车,半走、半跑地进校园。在此感谢茹和婷考试前教我“Earth as Sphere”这一课,因为考试有出。^^

考试八时正开始,第一张是数学试卷一。一小时十五分钟后,皱着眉头离开考场。嗯……我觉得,这张试卷比起近几年(2005-2009)的试卷还要难。我和婷忍不住对答案了,结果不是很理想。试卷二必须加把劲!不过休息时,我俩还可以打闹。==我打了她肚子,她咒我的肚腩以后比她还大,可恶。婷你给我现在touch wood,以后如果我的肚腩真的比你还大,我真的会怪你。== 要不然你的肚子给我凹进去,这样我的肚子才可以平!


P/S:终于买了新手机,告别用了几年的手机,而且还换了不同的主人的手机。手机,辛苦你了,你安息吧,不,“冬眠” 吧!谢谢ama和婷给的意见,我买了红色的Sony Ericsson Hazel。现在还用不惯,不过我会慢慢喜欢上它的!=)


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weird Dream

Dear all,
last night@ this morning, i had a weird dream.

I dreamed that Clover's Blog is ranked as the most popular website in the world. LOL.
The news are here, there and everywhere. it appears in every newspaper and magazine cover.
haha, the funny thing is,
after i show you guys the news,
we organize a huge event@party to celebrate.
We become so so so rich!!

After i woke up, i was very very tired, mentally and physically.
Luckily today has no exam. XD

weird dream made me "exhausted".


Saturday, November 27, 2010


没错,每个人都在拼命地读书,我却在1 Utama。原因??一样,因为家里好吵好吵。那你肯定在想,外面也一样吵啊?== 不不不不,对我来说不一样,邻居在建房子,家里的“吵”是重复性的、很刺耳,令人听了觉得很烦。外面则是吵杂声,吵但不会刺耳,所以不会觉得烦。我在某间餐厅做数学练习题,不是在“读书”,所以吵杂声对我影响不大。一直等到爸爸的车洗好后,我们便离开那儿。离开前,去了卖手机的店,店员说我要的Nokia X3已经没有货了,只剩下银蓝色的(我要黑红色的)。我很失望很失望,因为我真的很想要nokia express music + 黑红色 的手机。


每一间店却只剩下这颜色, 我不喜欢。

所以呢,我放弃了,原本要买 SonyErisson Yari , 但后来某些原因,和家人讨论了许久后,决定买 Sony Ericsson Hazel. 现在的问题是,我不知道哪个颜色比较好看,因为我觉得两个都不错。请给我意见。

Sony Ericsson Hazel





Thursday, November 25, 2010


昨晚拼了命读历史,唯有这张考卷,我无论如何都想要拿A+ 因为我想让Siiva开心。





第二张考卷,出乎意料!!Siiva spot的题目竟然没出。心想 “死了死了……” 答案好像是在写作文一样,写得长长的,希望有几分可以拿。有一题 globalisasi 的,没读到,因为忘了,一直不停地责怪自己。最后半小时,我没睡觉,真是难得。=D 我一直在想婷的生日卡要如何做,不知不觉半小时就酱过去了,觉得比睡觉还过得更快。呵呵。

不喜欢有人一直责怪siiva, 虽然很无奈,但又不是他的错,是政府把考卷换了。



Wednesday, November 24, 2010


现在听着最爱的hideto的歌-FLAME. =)

到了学校,走到食堂去和5K班的各位集合。每个人都在讨论formal letter,informal letter,article, report writing的格式。我都没读过,所以一直到进考场我都在祈祷不要出有格式的作文,拜托出speech writing,不要formal letter。
拿到了考卷,该说幸运还是倒霉呢,出informal letter,还算不错啦…… 至于section B 的题目,怪怪的……今天考试有点辛苦,因为左脑痛,又肚子痛…… 还有我觉得试卷一的时间应该和试卷二交换,试卷一要写两篇的作文,却只给一小时多的时间,另外一张则要两小时多,最后四十五分钟都在逼自己别睡着,但结果还是睡了。== 总结来说,我不是很有信心,不知能不能拿 A, A- 有信心啊……
考试结束,和婷谈天,也和Amirul,Basil 谈天,和三大种族谈了天呢!哈哈!

明天考试加油!!要拿 A++ 给 Siiva 看~ yay!! =D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


因为SPM是决定我的未来的考试,所以我很想每天花半小时把它记录下来。 =D

今天是11月23日,星期二,考的是国语@马来文。马来文有分成两张,刚刚考了一张,现在从学校回来休息。=D 待会儿1:30pm要回到学校。

昨晚,拼了命读了国语,先攻komsas,也就是读小说、“古文” 和诗歌,再回答问题的考卷。后来才发现明天第一张考的是作文,真是粗心大意。不过万事OK,因为之前有准备。=)
11:00pm,又兴奋又紧张,难以入眠,所以打算读着范文入眠。11:45pm, 好不容易能进入梦乡,但不知哪个人“幸灾乐祸”放鞭炮吵醒我。==明明是大考而已,又不是什么特别节日,也没什么其他节日……

早上六时起床,发现(妈妈的)手机有一封信息, 是婷寄来的,说她睡不着觉是我害的,好无奈。早餐是金瓜包,是爸爸特地早起为我买的。=) 七时到校,不知道为什么办公室的alarm一直一直在响,好像有人在偷考卷(其实没有)。考试前,戴着黄黑色条纹的领带的校长还要训话+致词(=至少10分钟),说的话和之前一模一样,所以觉得有点烦。七时五十分进考场,考场是礼堂。考试八时正开始,十时十五分结束,虽然很赶,不过顺利。=)

不过啊,Bahagian A 到底可以不可以超过字数的?????

现在在家,午餐是妈妈准备的金瓜炒饭,很好吃, 甜品则是金瓜包。呵呵,妈妈说金瓜对头脑好。现在肚子很痛,就酱。


Sunday, November 21, 2010

To-Do-List after SPM

  • 考试后,果然还是想要专注于减肥啊…… 打算游泳、打羽毛球、跑步。=)
  • 去KLCC的Kinokuniya
  • 下载电影、连续剧和漫画来看
  • 和朋友逛街
  • 保养皮肤
  • 做生日卡
  • 学日语
  • 写小说
  • 买新衣
  • 去旅行
  • 剪头发

樱兰高校男公关部 · 大结局之感想

第一次看到樱兰,应该是在《漫画周刊》吧……现在回想起,当时对这漫画的题目和故事背景感到很有兴趣,所以立刻到某网站下载来看。看了第一集的前几页后,心想:又是女扮男装,故事情节一定又是千篇一律…… 谁知,在翻了几页后,渐渐的被男主角傻里傻气的性格、直率的女主角、其他有趣的角色, 还有幽默的对白吸引。虽然在第一集里,主角的样子往往都是怪怪的,但是过了几集后,作者把每一个角色画得非常好看!之后,也深深地爱上漫画里的所有背景和华丽的服装。看到大概第四集的时候,便决定停止下载此漫画。因为我要漫画!!!幸好,结局并没有让我后悔做了这个决定。 我很喜欢此漫画,也很喜欢它的结局,因为作者把所有事情解释得很清楚,最重要的,它是HAPPY ENDING!!好开心哪~~感谢作者!!=DD


樱兰的漫画有十八集,但我只有十七本,因为我没有第三集(泪~)……其中有五本是从台湾买的,其他是在本地买的,台湾卖的漫画品质比这儿卖的好很多很多倍,自然的价钱也相当贵,要九令吉一本。只有第三集!!!不知道为什么到处都没有卖!!连在台湾也找不到,kinokuniya每一集都有,就是没有第三集!!为什么啊!!?? T___T

总结来说,我爱死了樱兰~绝对是我最爱的漫画的 top5!!我发现到我很喜欢角色穿的很华丽,画风很漂亮的漫画,所以现在死追着《黑执事》!!***兴奋~



Monday, July 26, 2010

bla bla bla.

UURGH! can't believe i updated my blog with this post.

Exams are driving me crazy.

Hate to accept the truth that it's still a long way for me to get straight A's. X(

MTV World Stage is coming soon.

I have NO tickets on my hand. bravo.

How "lucky" am i. ._______.

Wish i can see Tokio Hotel.

been a fan of the Kaulitz brothers lately.

Love twins. <3

Currently listen to: Hideto's Misery.

Addicted to Hada Labo. x)


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Music + Video = MV

I dedecate this video to Xin Ru and Yee Teng. haha. =DD

I love these music so much.


This is for all the Form 5 students.

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of the night in June
I Didn't know much of love, but it came too soon
And There was me and you, and then it got real blue
Stay at home talkin' on the telephone and
We would get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
Chorus:As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, from whatever
We will still be, friends forever
So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we look back now, will that joke still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
*Repeat chorus*
La, la, la, la; yeah, yeah, yeahLa, la, la, la, we will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this townI keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
*Repeat chorus 3x*
Nice lyrics. =)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

4 different houses

Had a serious headache today. Probably lack of sleep lately. =(
Anyway, today was fun!!
It was my first time visit 4 of my friends' house in a row.
A special experience for me.
there might be no second chance for me coz' their houses were far away from my home.
I don't want to miss this opportunity,
so i decided to skip today's first tuition.

After school, we walked to the First house.
Xin Ru's house.
It was quite near to school, we reached there after a few minutes.
We ate lots of biscuits there, and played with her hamster.
very cute, and one is very active.> O <
Xin Ru's house always give me a peaceful and harmonious feeling. =)

Next stop, Yee Teng's house.
Which we reached there by Xin Ru's (mom) car.
We played cards, the game was extremely exciting.
i kept laughing, till i forgot the pain of my head. =D
Then we "play" Truth or Dare.
actually it was just a talk among 5 of us.
The time we had to Spill The Beans out.
The Moment of Truth. xD

Third stop was Kevin's house.
I was looking forward to visit his house.
Coz' he always describe his house, but i hardly can imagine the look. =)
Kevin's mom fetched 5 of us there.
The car was packed like sardines at the back.
Yee Teng had to sit on Xin Ru's thigh.
Pity Xin Ru. haha.
Kevin's house.
As soon i stepped into his house.
that's the first thing appeared in my mind.
The house is simple, neat, clean, warm, nice.
it was kinda special too. =D
there are two rooms which the roofs are different, compare to the other houses that i visited.
All rooms have big window, the sunlight can flood into the rooms.
not like my room, very dark when the light is not on.
oh ya, and he and his sister are HUGE fans of a korean group.
that's why you can see posters here there and everywhere.
another thing is, there are lots of mattress in the house.
not less than 10. i think. =="
the toilet is very very special too. =DD
We ate some biscuits from Indonesia.
Not everyone can try it.
Lucky. >O<

The last stop is Ee Leen's house.
we walked to her house, her house is very close to Kevin's house.
I've been to her house for a hundred times coz' her mom taught me science, math, history, geography and a little Malay. =)
Her room..................................
is almost the same like the past.
the table was quite messy, but the room is neater than the past.
80% for you, Ee Leen.
Congratz. =D

i went back at 5:20pm.

i got 4 angpows today.
wohoho. =D

Kevin's house. that paragraph is longer than others,
coz' I've been to the other 3 house for many times. =)

hope there will be a second chance.
When you all want to come to my house??


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Tiger Year!!

Currently at my cousin's house in Singapore...
can't contact with my friends...T____T

12th of February, 2010 (Friday)
2:00pm, busy packing my luggage, going to hit the road soon.
2.30pm, having lunch.
3.30pm on the road to Singapore.
Traffic jam, nasty accident...
8.00pm, reached the custom,
#They touched and PINCHED my Inuyasha. WTH?!
i cried. ==
and my family laughed.
8.30pm, went to the Suntec City mall,
wanna buy shoes, but don't have my size, so disappointed man.... =(
9.30pm, met my brother.
he is now thinner (again) and more muscular (again).
11.30pm, reached my cousin's house.
started to read "konserto terakhir"
hope it is not as boring as the Bukit Kepong.



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Merentas Desa (?)

So, while waiting for my pudding to solidify....
I'll just upload some photos.......
Last year......
The day we went for merentas desa......
with the theme of "1 Malaysia"~


Lots of lots of people!!!!
Lining up to get FREE shirt or cap or sticker... =DD

So, we get free white cap and sticker...
which is now hidden inside my cupboard...=D
**Xin Ru had no mood to take photo...( i think)

We got free breakfast too!!
Chocolate bun, muffin, pear, Soya bean!!
& mineral bottle with 1 Malaysia logo.
all same logo. ==

Before we start running....

We were standing at the middle...

And there were a few camera from rtm1 and rtm2 recording the whole process..
Congrats to Yee Teng. The camera was facing her for a few seconds when we started to run. ==

Colourful Junk Food. haha.
Took it while i was running. =D

The distance was damn short, we run for less than an hour.
we later gathered at here.

We had senaman aerobic for an hour. =D
The cameraman shoot us here too. wahaha.

After that, we got free lunch too.
which was Nasi Lemak with sambal, currypuff, kuih, and syrup.
not so nice laa, to be honest....=P
But can keep refilling laa..haha=D

And after that, there was a performance from the policemen,
but we left earlier, coz' it was kinda boring....

Before we left, we met Ee One's daddy!!!
and we took a photo with him. haha. (==)


Walking back.....
and it started to rain........


You wonder who fetched us here??



Teacher belanja us makan KFC!!! wooohhooo~

So, do you know who's thiss??
He's following us for the whole journey!!!
Check out inside the 9th and 10th photo. =D

haha. faster guess~~~

After lunch, we went back school. =)



I was making a pudding just now.
And i think i used the wrong method or ingredients.

The pudding smells like Rotten Egg.
It is still inside the fridge,
i hope it taste better then its look... ==



Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm boring

Tomorrow got exam, but i don't feel like studying now.
I'm tired, and "saturated". =3

Photos on the Orientation Day 2010.

The Taekwondo-s

The Wudo-s

The Amigo-s =)

The... ??

Taekwondo's performance.

I think i was the only one who took the photo of the audience.
See? they enjoyed the performance. =D

See? Smile@laugh again. ^^

Actually there are still many photos. but most most of them are blur. haha. =D

Wudo's performance. Only 3 clear captions. Paiseh.

Very cool post.=D
Jeen Vern seemed to be very serious. haha.

After the demo......

mamak-ing. haha. =D


P/S: it's nice to be the "photographer" for the taekwondo and wudo.
feel so proud man...xDD
